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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

International Festival of Outdoor Films

"The festival is one of the biggest touring festivals in the Czech Republic (Europe). This year we assume that the festival will take place in 25 towns of the Czech Republic in the term from 16th
October to 5th December 2009.
We try to improve this festival all the time and we are glad that IFOF has gained favor of large audience. The number of spectators increases every year which is certainly interesting fact for you. We expect at least 25 000 spectators this year.
Film categories of the festival:
A. Adventurous any extreme sport film - outdoor sports (exept mountain climbing), skiing, extreme skiing, mountain bikes, paragliding, etc.
B. mountainclimbing and mountain films – mountain climbing sports, expedition climbing, arctic expeditions, mountain scenery, man & mountains
C. Adventurous water sport films – rafting, watercraft sports, yachting, canoeing, diving, surfing, long distance swimming, etc.
D. Travel film – (films of travel character which are not selected into categories A,B,C)"

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